Bathroom Cabinet Organizer under Sink Ideas

For you who want to have a bathroom cabinet organizer under sink, purchasing them from the store should be the last resort. The items from the store can be expensive and why spend a lot of money if you can use cheap stuff as the organizer? These are some ideas of cheap organizer to be put under the sink:

Read also: Bathroom Cabinet Dimensions Standard

1. Use Plastic Bins for Bathroom Cabinet Organizer

The main point of an organizer is that it can be used to store bathroom needs; so there is no better advantage to use some things that you already have and in this case they are plastic bins. What makes these bins good for storage is that it can be stacked on each other so the inside of the cabinet can be tidy.

You can put your reserves of shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, soap, and shampoo. There is no hard work needed, simply stack them on each other and your storage under the bathroom sink is done. You may want to give labels on each bin so the organization can be tidier.

2. Use Magazine Organizers

Do you still have your old magazine organizers? If you do, don’t throw them away or sell them just yet; they can be used as your cabinet organizer under the bathroom sink. What you have to do is simply clean the magazine organizers (you may want to repaint them to give new look) and put them under your sink.

No hard work needed; it is cheap, practical, and easy. You can store your hairdryer, curling irons, or even your reserves of bathroom needs like soap and shampoo. But make sure the magazine holders you put under the sink are made of plastic so it won’t rust.

3. Install Cabinet Rod

The ideas above are for storing bathroom needs that can just be put down and don’t take too much place; but how to store some pray bottles? In a bathroom, hygiene is essential and there are some things needed for it; spray cleaners are the examples.

These spray bottles take up spaces in the cabinet and that’s why installing cabinet rod across the cabinet is needed. When it is installed, you can hang some spray bottles there while the other cleaning tools like sponge and brushes can be put under the rod.

Simple bathroom cabinet under sink organizer

4. Hang Shoe Organizer

Shoe organizer is a multi-purpose item to begin with; you can put many things into the sockets. But, shoe organizers have long shape and this is why you should cut them into two. When it is cut into two already, install some hooks on your under sink cabinet doors.

Next, what you need to do is just simply hang the both cut sheet of shoe organizer onto the hooks. You can put your bathroom needs into the sockets. Make sure you keep it dry because if the plastic of the shoe organizer is wet, mildew will grow on it.

When it comes to organizer, you don’t have to pay a lot of money because there will be some things in your house that can be used as the organizer. The examples above will surely save you a lot of money. Some bathroom cabinet organizer under sink that is being sold in stores can be expensive and it can reach $500 each.

Under sink bathroom cabinet organizing

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